About Me

if i had tO describe myself these wOrds wOuld sum it up: funny, bright, imaginative, visual, immature, jester, hyper, silly, open-minded, creative, colorful, liberal, skinny, sleepless, sleepyhead, foul mouthed, unpredictable. yOu chOose yOur favOrite....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Matrix

The Matrix was a good movie, considering i don't like fictional movies like that. I was expecting to fall asleep or just get antsy in my pants. But the movie was intriguing. I liked how the directors; Wachowski Brothers, did all the special effects. I felt it raised the bar for more recent films. I thought it was crazy when Neo took the Blue Pill and ended up in some sort of bowl full of slime with all these wires attached to him. Then how Cypher betrayed them. I was so angry. I thought the outcome of his betrayal was well deserved. The movie was well put out, it made me feel that things could really be like that in the future. I enjoyed the way they were able to add intelligence about something to there mind if they needed it. The movie also had me thinking Neo wasn't THE ONE, but i guess the old lady knew, she just wanted Neo to figure it out on his own and believe. The movie was well put out, it made me think it was gonna be over or someone was gonna die, but the main people survived, and the movie ended awesome. The Matrix is a movie I can watch again.


Usman said...

Thats just the part 1st and thsoe who survived have soem work to do in 2nd and 3rd parts.

noel said...

yeah that would be pretty cool if you could just add info to your brain through a wire. we could forget those boring hours of listening to a teacher babble all day. we be talking and doing algebra at age 3.